Worre’s 10 Deadly Sins In Network Marketing.
Nobody Will Follow You
if You Commit These Network Marketing “No No’s”.
Worre is
the ultimate network marketing professional. After 25 years in the network
marketing arena he has had the kind of success most of us just dream about. And
that’s no accident. He is a true professional, teacher and mentor.
I just watched his video on this topic and had to share it. It would be
well worth your time to take 10 minutes and hear what he has to say.
And while you’re there why not pick up a copy of his book “Go Pro: 7 Steps To Becoming A Network marketing Professional“.
Here’s a quick summary of what Eric considers the 10 Deadly Sins In Network Marketing. Everyone if they’ve
been in network marketing for any length of time will have done at least some
of these things. Even a guy like Eric admits to many over the span of his
1. Over-exaggerate Product or Service
When you become so anxious to get a sale or sign-up that you exaggerate
the quality and effectiveness of your products or services, you are neither
serving yourself nor your customers. Your credibility will soon suffer and
nobody will believe or follow you
2. Lying About Income
The same holds true here. If you are not truthful about what your
recruits can expect to earn, when they discover the truth, your credibility
will take a hit. That’s not to say you have to tell anyone exactly what you
earn, but you cannot lie about it.
3.Talking Negatively
Talking negatively about anyone in your company, about the pay plan or
policies is not good practice. It will result in attracting negative people to
you. That will not do you or your business any good.
4. Inconsistency
This is huge. You must take consistent action over an extended period to
be successful. Here today gone tomorrow will not work for you or your team.
Being a leader requires you to lead by example.
5. Spending More than You Make
Initially you will spend more than you make but your goal is to get
into profit within the first 3-6 months, and to show your team how to do that
as well. Eric has a particularly interesting take on this.
6. Stealing Distributors/Plagiarizing
There are often times that people who have been referred to the company
by other distributors, are open to signing on with you or someone else in the
organization rather than with the individual who referred them. It’s pretty
easy to rationalize pirating these people, but it is unethical. Real leaders
will not allow it to happen and will certainly never engage in it.
7. Sleeping Around in the Company or Organization
This is pretty obvious. Lives, not just careers and organizations are
likely to be devastated by less than professional conduct in relationships
between individuals within an organization.
8. Inappropriate Behaviour at Public Events
Getting drunk and obnoxious at company events will be noticed and will
ruin credibility and reputation. The same can be said for use of drugs. Your
private life is your own but company events are quite a different story
9. Hogging the Stage
Insisting on being the only one doing presentations at events is not a
good thing. Everyone needs to develop the leaders in their organization. You
look for duplication and training people to do the public presentations is part
of that process.
10. Success Coma
You have to be progressing to maintain momentum. Many people get to a
certain level in their organization and begin to mark time. Eventually they
will move backwards. The lesson is keep moving and improving on past
Hear what Eric has to say on all of these. I think he makes a great deal
of sense. Besides, when a multi-million earner with his experience and
knowledge speaks, I listen.
As a network marketing professional, engaging in any of these behaviours
will ruin credibility and will eventually result in complete failure of the
business. There may be some short term success and gratification, but
when your team and the company becomes aware of them, your status as a
leader will be completely shot. Nobody will follow you and the company may very
well terminate your distributorship.
None are worth it.
My Name is Kaysmith Eyaadah and am here to help you
make money in Network Marketing.
See the right tab for links to several Network
Marketing programs that may be suitable for you.
*The Original author of this post receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will